Aesthetic Dentistry
Aesthetic dentistry is not only aimed at improving the aesthetics of the smile but also the functionality of the teeth. Among the treatments of aesthetic dentistry we find:
Teeth whitening: is a treatment that aims to restore the natural color of teeth stained by drinking coffee, wine, and smoking. Whitening is done using powerful whitening agents that can discolor both the enamel and dentine. The levels of the whitening agent are constantly monitored by the dentist during all phases of the treatment.
Dental veneers: These are used to hide chipped or stained teeth and are ceramic shells that are placed on the front of the tooth.
Composite reconstruction: this procedure is a valid alternative to veneers and consists of cementing a resin onto the tooth with a specific wavelength.
Gum Treatment: When the gummy smile is due to excess gum tissue, we usually proceed with a painless micro-surgery of gum plastic surgery also performed with laser. This is a completely painless procedure, but it practically solves this imperfection.